How to Contribute
Download, print and use it:
PDF: 28-minute-LeSS-Game__Tourist-brochure-for-martians.pdf
Add your feedback and comments:
Make changes:
Just request edit permission for the google doc: Timon Fiddike,
Use this as you want, even commercially, but keep a link to the original version at and update the changelog to reflect what you chagend.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Version |
Date |
Log |
1.0 |
24.11.2016 |
First major release: Has been tested and works. Updates made based on feedback from 36 people playing this game in two separate companies with 4 teams per company at the Large Scale Scrum Meetup in Berlin (find it on, and |
0.1 |
22.11.2016 |
November 22nd, 2016, initial version created by Timon Fiddike, parts were taken from Jeff Sutherland’s 59 minute Scrum simulation game from 2007, in a version that others updated in 2013 (you can download it here). As far as I know, the first idea to create a variant for LeSS came from Alexey Voronin, I heard about this idea via Anton Skornyakov. |
0. Explain the intention and rules, visibly and verbally
Before starting, take some minutes to explain that the intention behind the game is to let participants observe and experience some of the pains of typical ways of unskillful scaling of Scrum.
Then explain all of the rules to everybody. Make sure people can hear and see the rules, i.e. display them using a projector or give each person and handout. I like to include some statements like:
“Some of this may sound a bit crazy, especially if you already know about LeSS. And there may be phases when you cannot contribute anything: Please use these moments to activate your inner coach and carefully observe what happens. Maybe you can relate this to different companies you have experienced in your own career.”
1. Create companies
- 15-28 people each, if people bring their own equipment, make sure enough people with glue and scissors are in each company
- Moderator(s) act(s) as CPO, the main job is to hand out the backlog and answer questions about the rules.
- If you have many people, you might want to create the role of “compliance officers” who enforce the rules.
2. Create teams
Inside each company: Create teams (~5 people) as follows:
coloured pens + flipchart paper
draw images, are allowed to draw, but only on flipchart paper
pencils, eraser + flipchart paper
produce text, are allowed to write, but only on flipchart paper
coloured pens + A4 paper
are allowed to draw and write on A4 paper
scissors + glue
can glue A4 paper together to make the final brochure, are allowed to cut flipchart paper and glue pieces on A4 paper
3. Choose Team POs
Teams decide on team POs
4. POs meet CPOs
POs meet the CPO and receive backlog-items
5. POs create Team Backlogs
Team POs have to create backlogs for their teams:
Write Backlog Items on sticky notes, Order them
6. 2 days simulation
6.1 Sprint Planning Meeting (9 minutes)
From the Product Backlog, the Development Team should select the items they think can be achieved during a Sprint considering the order provided by the Product Owner.
The Development Team decides how the work will be delivered.
They create a Sprint Backlog – a plan containing tasks that must be completed to achieve the agreed increment. Your total sprint length will be 14 minutes!
6.2 Sprint – Day 1 (7 Minutes)
Just planned, skip the daily: The Development Team works on the Product Backlog guided by the Sprint Backlog and adjusts where necessary.
6.3 Daily Scrum (5 minutes)
Gather the Development Team together; each member answers the three questions to coordinate the work (What did I accomplish? What will I do on the second day? What obstacles are in the way / where do I need help?). Adapt your plan for the second day of the Sprint to meet the Sprint Goal.
7. Sprint – Day 2 (7 minutes)
The Development Team continues to work on the Product Backlog.
8. Review
Companies present their brochures to everybody.
9. Retro / debrief
Debrief, e.g. using the 3W:
What did people observe? (things camera could have recorded)
What does that mean? (interpretation, meaning)
What do we want to do about this? How can we improve the situation?
Facilitation Shopping List
This list is written for 40 people in 2 companies with 4 teams each
coloured pens (4 sets)
pencils, erasers 15
scissors 8
glue 8
A4 paper 50 sheets
flipchart paper 2 blocks
Backlog: Tourist brochure for martians visiting earth
Describe a tour based on photosynthesis
Outline warning messages (gravity, oxygen, fungi, etc.)
Outline a “7 Wonders of the World” expedition
Create cover art, brand, logo
Set prices for the tours
Describe “Art Interests in Europe” tour
Suggest clothing options
Explain travel options to/from Mars
Outline refund policy
Describe a “Human Sports” tour
Suggest related services
Define Advertisers