Dr. Timon Fiddike

  • On the path of agility for over 10 years
  • Experience as team member, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Managing Director and Coach
  • Highest certification: Certified Scrum Trainer® (approx. 250 people worldwide) for the Scrum Alliance®.
  • Experience in startup, midmarket & corporate
  • Integral Coach – training according to ICF ACTH standard
  • Enthusiastically supports the human growth that agile work enables
  • Managing Director Agile.Coach GmbH & Co. KG

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Highly vibrant and productive working environments do not emerge overnight: the “agilization” of an organization is usually a journey of professional and personal learning processes that take place in parallel, both individually and collectively.

Therefore I enter into long-term partnerships with the organizations I support. To find out whether the parties involved want to enter into such a partnership, a short joint work opportunity is the perfect starting point. This can take the form of an assessment, training or management workshop.

In my work I use principles and tools from integral coaching, Scrum, Large Scale Scrum, Kanban, Management 3.0, Test Driven Development, Liberating Structures, Tribal Leadership, non-violent communication and Training from the Back of the Room®.

Before becoming a coach and trainer, I gained many years of experience as a founder and managing director, manager with personnel responsibility, consultant, software developer, product owner and scrum master in various companies.

Value proposition

I support you in building a vital working environment in which people can develop their potential and continuously improve their collective effectiveness and adaptability.

Qualification & Engagement

Here is a list of my highest degrees:

  • Certified Scrum Trainer® with Scrum Alliance®, Large Scale Scrum Practitioner®
  • Integral Coach, Education recognized by the International Coach Federation, ACTH Standard
  • Ph.D. / Dr. rer. nat. Informatik, Machine Learning, TU-Berlin, my publications from this time contain my birth name “Timon Schroeter”, Researchgate correctly connects many of the with my Researchgate-Profile (siehe “Offizielle Profile)
  • Diplom Chemiker, HHU Düsseldorf & RWTH-Aachen

Continuous development is also very important to me in terms of my own skills as a coach and trainer. I regularly take part in workshops and training sessions with colleagues and learn a lot from interacting with other practicing coaches from the community.

That’s why it’s important to me to offer opportunities for this kind of exchange myself: As founder and co-organizer of the Large Scale Scrum Meetup Berlin, I regularly facilitate joint experimentation and learning regarding Scrum and Large Scale Scrum.

Keynote at the opening of the Typo 3 Camp developer conference

Passionate Trainer & Coach for Scrum, CST® (Certified Scrum Trainer®)

Visit my trainings on Scrum Master Certification and Product Owner Certification.

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