Certified Agile Leadership training – Leading with Intention

Is this about you?

  • I want to be challenged and discover what kind of leader I am.
  • What does leadership mean for me?
  • What kind of leadership will help me achieve what I want?

“If Agile is the solution, I want my problem back!“(Olaf Lewitz, Certified Entreprise Coach®)

Agile leadership model

Leadership is making a difference with intention. We focus on developing relationshipsmanaging contexts and nurturing growth. In times of social distancing and working from home, all of these became harder and more important at the same time. All of the exercises of our training have been used remotely in the wild, now we are building the whole training from our and for our homes.

Next training dates

12.02.25 - 14.02.25
9:00 - 17:00
CAL2™ auf Deutsch CAL2™ auf Deutsch
Trainer: Olaf Lewitz
Berlin, frizzforum
2600€ up to and including 08.01.2025,
3000€* regular
Prices and discounts
Training in GermanRestplätze verfügbar
24.02.25 - 26.02.25
9:00 - 17:00
CAL1™ in English CAL1™ in English
Trainer: Olaf Lewitz
Live Online Training
2100€ up to and including 20.01.2025,
2500€* regular
Prices and discounts
Book my placeSome places available
17.03.25 - 19.03.25
9:00 - 17:00
CAL1™ in English CAL1™ in English
Trainer: Olaf Lewitz
Berlin, Adina Checkpoint Charlie
2400€ up to and including 10.02.2025,
2700€* regular
Prices and discounts
Book my placeAvailable
24.03.25 - 26.03.25
9:00 - 17:00
CAL1™ auf Deutsch CAL1™ auf Deutsch
Trainer: Olaf Lewitz
Berlin, Adina Checkpoint Charlie
2400€ up to and including 17.02.2025,
2700€* regular
Prices and discounts
Training in GermanRestplätze verfügbar
31.03.25 - 02.04.25
9:00 - 17:00
CAL1™ auf Deutsch CAL1™ auf Deutsch
Trainer: Olaf Lewitz
Live Online Training
2100€ up to and including 24.02.2025,
2500€* regular
Prices and discounts

Weitere Termine

30.06.25 - 02.07.25
9:00 - 17:00
CAL1™ auf Deutsch CAL1™ auf Deutsch
Trainer: Olaf Lewitz
Berlin, Adina Checkpoint Charlie
2400€ up to and including 26.05.2025,
2700€* regular
Prices and discounts
07.07.25 - 09.07.25
9:00 - 17:00
CAL1™ in English CAL1™ in English
Trainer: Olaf Lewitz
Live Online Training
2100€ up to and including 02.06.2025,
2500€* regular
Prices and discounts
Book my placeAvailable
18.08.25 - 20.08.25
9:00 - 17:00
CAL1™ auf Deutsch CAL1™ auf Deutsch
Trainer: Olaf Lewitz
Berlin, Adina Checkpoint Charlie
2400€ up to and including 14.07.2025,
2700€* regular
Prices and discounts
06.10.25 - 08.10.25
9:00 - 17:00
CAL1™ auf Deutsch CAL1™ auf Deutsch
Trainer: Olaf Lewitz
Berlin, Adina Checkpoint Charlie
2400€ up to and including 01.09.2025,
2700€* regular
Prices and discounts
17.11.25 - 19.11.25
9:00 - 17:00
CAL1™ in English CAL1™ in English
Trainer: Olaf Lewitz
Live Online Training
2100€ up to and including 13.10.2025,
2500€* regular
Prices and discounts
Book my placeAvailable
24.11.25 - 26.11.25
9:00 - 17:00
CAL1™ auf Deutsch CAL1™ auf Deutsch
Trainer: Olaf Lewitz
Live Online Training
2100€ up to and including 20.10.2025,
2500€* regular
Prices and discounts
08.12.25 - 10.12.25
9:00 - 17:00
CAL1™ auf Deutsch CAL1™ auf Deutsch
Trainer: Olaf Lewitz
Berlin, D.O. am Zoo
2400€ up to and including 03.11.2025,
2700€* regular
Prices and discounts
a list of agile leadership principles

Your coaches

Olaf Lewitz

As Trust Artist and Certified Enterprise Coach® with the Scrum Alliance®, Olaf Lewitz is a veteran and leader in the international agile community. In almost 20 years, he has visited and helped hundreds of organisations to transform. In that work, exploring culture and making sense of leadership have become his speciality. His strategy: increasing trust and responsibility through invitation and clarity.

Olaf invites us to trust ourselves and others. He believes: You deserve to love what you do.

Online and virtual – How does that work?

“Leaders are those who step first into unknown and danger.”

Simon Sinek

We’ve been hosting online courses and designing remote learning experiences for years before a virus forced many of us to stay at home. All of our CAL classes since March have been hosted online, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Most people are surprised how motivated and energised they still feel after two or three days on Zoom.

Watch the feedback of our first virtual class here:

The course starts with a survey and some preparation work before we meet, helping you to analyse your current knowledge in relation to the course. You focus on what to prepare and share your objectives for the course. This helps you and the group to decide where to dive deeper and how to invest our face-to-face time. We set you up for taking full responsibility for your learning journey during the three days we spend together.

We might ask you also to take the lead for a topic in the course. Everybody in the course will be challenged, independent of how long you’ve already been leading or how experienced you are in the agile context. Olaf will co-create the content with all of you, modelling the agile way of leading together: from the start of creating a container of trust until diving into successful examples of agile transformations. The most effective agile methods and tools as well as the TrustTemenos leadership model will be used to work with the content of the course. It is an art to know when to lead and follow. This course is special in that Olaf will be taking part as well and contributing his own personal stories. This fluent change of roles and responsibilities, deciding what to do in which context and situation is adding to your experience.

On the first and second day the focus will be on your personal journey. On three we will apply our learnings and principles, along with our model and other tools to the frame of agile organisations. Be prepared to be surprised and challenged. You may bring your comfort zone but you might not spend much time in it.


Three-day CAL1™ Trainings, Live Online

The regular price is 2500,00€ (net) plus VAT.

The early bird price until 5 weeks before the date is 2100,00€ (net) plus VAT.

Three-day CAL1™ Trainings, offline in Berlin

The regular price is 2700,00€ (net) plus VAT.

The early bird price until 5 weeks before the date is 2400,00€ (net) plus VAT.

Inhouse Leadership Trainings

We also offer leadership training as in-house training with and without certification. If you are interested, please contact us directly.

Bring Your Boss & Come for Free: If you register your superior for the CAL1™ training, you can come for free. This discount cannot be combined with the early bird rate. Write it in the comments field when you register.

Three-day CAL2™ trainings on site, including supervision (every 3-weeks via Zoom)

The regular price is 3000,00€ (net) plus VAT. The early bird price up to 5 weeks before the date is 2600,00€ (net) plus VAT.

If you have completed your CAL1™ or equivalent certification with another trainer, we recommend that you experience our CAL1™ before the CAL2™ – to familiarize yourself with the tools and our model for reflecting on leadership. In this case, you can participate in the CAL1™ at the preferential price of 1000,-€. Please mention this offer in the comments field and let us know when and from whom you purchased your CAL1™.

Employees of non-profit NPOs

We have 2 places in each training course for people who work full-time in a non-profit organization (NPO) for € 300 net, plus VAT (two-day training courses) or € 450 net, plus VAT for three-day training courses. Please write this in the comments field when registering. We will then confirm the discount.

Group discounts

Additional group discounts are 5% for three or four registrations. From five registrations: 10%.

Participate again

Former participants can participate again at an extremely reduced rate, namely for € 300 net, plus VAT (two-day training courses) or € 450 net, plus VAT for three-day training courses. Please write this in the comments field when registering. We will then confirm the discount.

Agile Leadership certification with the Scrum Alliance®

After the training, the participants will receive Certified Agile Leadership CAL1™ certification. You can read more about the CAL1™ certificate at this link.

After this training you qualify for the Certified Agile Leadership 2™ with the Scrum Alliance®.

The costs for the certification are covered by the training registration.


When you register for the training, you will receive a list of entertaining material and a questionnaire for your preparation.
Here are a few valuable videos:

Who is it for?

  • Executives, Manager and Leaders of all levels
  • Scrum-Master, Product Owner, Agile Coaches
  • Project and Team Leads

The differences of your experiences enrich the course because we all learn from each other – the more the different we are. Our collaborative leadership and learning is based on diversity, enrichment and interaction.

Event space

Berlin, Hotel Adina Checkpoint Charlie
Krausenstraße 35-36, 10117 Berlin

Berlin, Hotel Adina Berlin Mitte
Platz vor dem Neuen Tor 6, 10115 Berlin

Berlin, Design Offices D.O. Am Schloss Charlottenburg
Sophie-Charlotten-Straße 21 , 14059 Berlin

Berlin, Design Offices D.O. Humboldthafen
Alexanderufer 3-7, 10117 Berlin

Berlin, Design Offices D.O. Am Zoo
Budapester Straße 35, 10787 Berlin

Friedrichstraße 23, 10969 Berlin

Online training
Here we’ve written about the technical setup for our virtual trainings.

Participant feedback

Unsurprisingly there was no ‘step-by-step official guide’ to Agile Leadership handed out that we had to swear to never divulge. There was, however, an immaculately created ‘safe’ space for learning a bunch of great techniques, models and ways of thinking backed by the trainer’s practical expertise and experience. The learning was enhanced by group participation, which is both a credit to the participants and a credit to the ability of the trainers to elicit the best from them. This is very much a leadership course for those who need to lead and influence, it is not a summary of Agile frameworks. It would be completely impractical and a detriment to the course to attempt to make it so. If you want to know about the specific details of any Agile framework, take additional courses which are specifically designed for that purpose.”
Ray Whiting, London

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“There are many CAL courses, each one slightly different with the facilitators own style imprinted onto the course; knowing this is why I specifically chose this course facilitated by Olaf & Christine who are both world class in their abilities and sensitivities. The Trust Temenos CAL course is also one of the rare CAL course to be delivered by a pair, it is especially beneficial that they are a mixed pair (Male/Female) as the blend of energies is a great compliment and they have a great sense for knowing what energy to bring in at what time to help uncover multiple perspectives. Olaf & Christine and their Temenos (Containers of Trust) experience helps set up an environment not just conducive to learning, but one which is designed for “Showing Up” whole so we can truly connect on a deeper human level with each other. Learning within this incubator is accelerated as we are able to drop the masks early on and talk about how Leadership has failed us, and how we have failed Leadership. In an enlightening personal exploration of our Leadership styles and the positive/negative impact it has on both others and ourselves, we learn more about ourselves and give ourselves new choices on how we want to show up as the Leaders of our own journey. An honest, truthful and beautiful experience with an open group of fellow explorers, all enabled by Olaf & Christine’s effortless facilitation and compassion. Highly recommended, even for those not seeking a CAL Certification.”
Ash Sheikh, London
“I am very happy I had the opportunity to participate in Olaf´s Certified Agile Leadership 1 course. It was such an amazing deep dive into what it means to be human combined with lots of practical tools applicable straight away. Maybe the most powerful thing was Olaf´s amazing ability to create a safe space that allowed collective learning to “just happen” – through Olaf´s consistency in modelling the way of leading together. I have experienced this happening before on some rare occasions when there is a world class facilitator in the room. What sets Olaf apart is his ability to help participants reflect what makes this “magic” possible – and allow us to find ways to apply the learning in our own context.”
Arto Miekkavaara, NeuroLeadership Institute, Helsinki


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