Anton Skornyakov

Anton’s book has been published – “The Art of Slicing Work”

I (Anton here) am excited and exhausted, after investing over 2 years of my main attention in writing this book, it was published on March 21st! A somewhat exhausted but also happy author The title: “The Art of Slicing Work”. Let me briefly explain why I wrote another book about agility. If you search for […]

Anton’s book has been published – “The Art of Slicing Work” Weiterlesen »

Assignment Clarification for Scrum Masters & Agile Coaches

I’ve facilitated my first Berlin Scrum Meetup yesterday and really love the experience. Our first session is going to be about “Assignment Clarification” (German “Auftragsklärung”) of a Scrum Master. If you are just looking for the current Cheat Sheet click here. Why does a Scrum Master need a clear assignment? As a Scrum Master, you

Assignment Clarification for Scrum Masters & Agile Coaches Weiterlesen »

First LeSS Coaching Camp on 25.-27th August 2017 in Wandlitz close to Berlin, Germany.

This is my personal review of the LeSS Coaching Camp that ended yesterday. It was a great weekend. I’ve learned much and I’ve gotten so much more confident of my own knowledge and capabilities. I could already feel this today from interactions with two different clients. And, it was a great crowd. We were 15

First LeSS Coaching Camp on 25.-27th August 2017 in Wandlitz close to Berlin, Germany. Weiterlesen »

Junge mit Buch

Knowledge Work – Definition and Properties

This is an English version of this article about “Wissensarbeit” that appeared in German on our blog. When hearing about Agility, Scrum or Kanban people very often use the term knowledge work or learning. With many organisations this leads to confusion or misunderstanding. They don’t see themselves as schools or universities, where people go to

Knowledge Work – Definition and Properties Weiterlesen »

Slides for Large Scale Scrum Meetup on Transforming Large Organisations

A couple of days ago, we had another successful Large Scale Scrum meetup. Our topic: Transforming Large Organisations. We had a wonderful time with Ari Tikka presenting on different patterns used by him in different large scale transformations to create a place of learning – Ba. Afterwards we discussed what a Ba could be in

Slides for Large Scale Scrum Meetup on Transforming Large Organisations Weiterlesen »

Fictional backlog of items with equal outcome distribution

Economics of Lean StartUp Experiments

Die deutsche Fassung dieses Beitrags wird später veröffentlicht. At the heart of Lean Startup are the Viability experiments. They allow us to save resources by checking the riskiest hypothesis’ first. One thing I’ve seen a lot of companies struggle with is to keep experimenting once they have a successful product running. Assuming these companies already

Economics of Lean StartUp Experiments Weiterlesen »

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